17th January, 2023, SLU, Umea Sweden
This webinar, arranged with support from SLU Breeding Network, was part of an ongoing seminar series. Though it had a decent real-life attendance, it was streamed for more than 60 more attendees. Yousry El-Kassaby (UBC, Vancouver, Canada) presented a new approach to genomic-based selection. A comprehensive overview of the “Breeding without Breeding" conceptual framework was given by one of its inceptors, prof. Milan Lstibůrek. Practical experiences with phenotyping, genotyping, kinship estimation, and selection for BWB in Scots pine and Norway spruce were tackled by Dr. Arne Steffenrem (NIBIO, Norway). The design, applications, and limitations of the Scots pine genotyping array were presented by Dr. Tanja Pyhäjärvi (Helsinki University, Finland). And finally, the airborne and ground-based remote sensing methods for the estimation of tree attributes in the breeding context were summarized by Dr. Johan Holmgren (Faculty of Forest Sciences, SLU).